

Cristian Hernandez, IF

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Scouting report

A high-probability shortstop with a long-limbed, projectable frame, Hernandez is your traditional international amateur who excels in a workout environment. His infield actions are smooth and athletic, his swing has a gorgeous, pronounced finish, and he has the right amount of overt physical projection that may see him mature into the unteachable, star-making Goldilocks Zone where Hernandez stays at short and also has impact power. The components of Hernandez's swing push and pull against one another, as his cut is pretty long but he also has very advanced barrel control. He's able to pull his hands in and get the barrel on inside pitches and he also has good vertical plate coverage. The downward sweeping nature of the swing might dilute Hernandez's game power relative to his projected raw, but the Cubs have had some recent success in tweaking swings like this.