Connor Wong, C
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Scouting report
Wong is an athletic, multi-positional player who spent his early college career at shortstop, then moved to catcher while moonlighting at a few infield positions as an upperclassman and while with the Dodgers. Then he was part of the Mookie Betts trade and worked only as a catcher at Boston's alt site. I still expect he'll eventually catch and play some combination of first, second, and third since that's the avenue to maximizing Wong's impact, but it made sense for him to catch exclusively and learn an entirely new organization of pitchers this year. He's a very upright free swinger who just kind of throws his quick hands at the ball, which results in a lot of strikeouts but also creates impact power on contact. The strikeouts probably limit his role, but because Wong can catch and hopefully play another position or two, it's a valuable and rare one. (Alternate site)