

Simeon Woods-Richardson, P

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Scouting report

Woods Richardson's velocity was down at the alternate site, though from talking with a source outside the org, his pitch data indicates it was trending back up as his time there went on. Regardless, he was sitting 90-92 as opposed to the 92-94, touch 97 from the year before, and I slid him back a spot on this list because of it, though I didn't change his FV in any way. In an alternate universe the thing I'd have hoped to glean from Woods Richardson's 2020 season was whether he had improved his ability to spin his four-seamer with better seam uniformity, something he struggled with the last time FanGraphs captured his pitches on Slowmie, our high speed camera. SWR works with both four- and two-seam variants, and also has the screwball action changeup that's now en vogue and a curveball that has good shape thanks to his arm slot but lacks power. An athletic two-way high schooler, Woods Richardson was lauded a little extra because he's so competitive and works about as fast as any pitcher in the minors. There's still a viable three-pitch mix here but I'd like to see the velocity bounce back in 2021. (Alternate site)